Community Water Company Submits Borrowing Application

In July 2024, Community Water Company of Green Valley filed a request before the Arizona Corporation Commission for financing authorization to allow the Company to obtain a $2 million loan from PNC Bank.   We are a nonprofit corporation with members and not a district or a for-profit utility with investors; as such, we have two primary methods for raising funds: loans and rate increases, and we strive to find the proper balance between the two.  We have recently encountered significant unexpected cash outlays related to repairs and maintenance of our wells.  These expenses have strained our finances, necessitating immediate action to maintain our service levels.  Specifically, we are facing high costs associated with relining one of our wells. 

The loan, which will take several months of review for approval, will be used for capital projects, including:

  • Rehabilitation of existing wells
  • Replacement of water transmission facilities
  • Acquisition, upgrade, and replacement of transportation equipment and IT systems

We are also seeking Arizona Corporation Commission approval to increase the rates based on the test year 2023, which may be approved by late 2025. The details of the proposed increase are not yet final.  The last rate increase we implemented was in September 2016, which was based on the test year of 2014.  Rate increases are necessary; however, they take time to accumulate funds, and funding delays may impact critical projects.  The rate increase is necessary to address the increased operating costs of borrowing, electricity, treatment, and labor. 

Proper funding is essential to ensure the continued reliable delivery of water and to work for a sustainable water supply for our members.  A public notice regarding our application includes details on the process and how to communicate with the Arizona Corporation Commission.

Please refer any inquiries and comments regarding the financing application or rate case process to

Find the full public notice regarding the financing application here.